What is Quick and Fast?
Quick and Fast is a sole proprietorship focused on providing low prices with impeccably great service and quick shipping times. Over the next few months, many products will be added and the site will be expanded.
How do I get in contact with you?
Send an email to QuickandFastNow@gmail.com. On most days, you should receive a response within a few hours; including weekends.
How quickly do you ship an item once you get an order?
Quick and Fast aims to get orders in the mail as quickly as possible. Orders placed before noon normally will ship same day, and order shipped after noon will be in the queue for the next day. There is no shipping during weekends and holidays.
Will you bundle items together to reduce shipping?
This is an option for some items. If you would like to know if the items you are requesting are bundle-able, just send me an email. If you buy items that are bundable, they will be automatically bundled.
How can I get in contact with you?
Feel free to contact me at quickandfastnow@gmail.com. You should receive a response shortly after, usually within five hours (email responses are only garaunteed during the hours of 10AM-10PM).